Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Came Across An Interesting Interpretation...

"I read in John 19:23 that the Roman soldiers cast lots for Jesus' clothing. This was because He wore a garment that was seamless. Now, I've always heard and read that only the Rabbis wore such garments. Further, I see throughout the Gospels that people come to Jesus and address Him "Rabbi" or "Teacher". In other words, Jesus dressed like the religious establishment. I also strongly suspect that He was the ruler (chief elder) of a synagogue for a while in Capernaum, because Luke 4:16 talks about Him going into the synagogue and standing up to read "as was His custom". This suggests to me that He was the "senior pastor" of the local synagogue.

I think that, given these things, if Jesus were here in human form today, He would probably wear a clerical collar. I think He would wear vestments when leading worship. Of course, this is just my own opinion, and I don't mean to exclude the ideas of others."



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would be a bit surprised if all of that were accurate . . . but I like it anyway! I would encourage you to look into it, to see if anyone else out there comes up with the same kinds of things that you have. Surely, if you are correct, the Church of Rome ought to talk about it someplace.



12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thought on this is that he wore what was the "custom of the day". If he were here today, I think he would wear what is the "custom of the day". Is today's custom the collar and vestments? In some churches but not all, so I don't know what he would wear today. I personally have no problem with collar/vestments/or neither. The important thing is the preaching of the gospel and bringing people to the Lord. Sometimes clothing makes a difference where and whom you can witness to. Christ made himself accessible to all. We need to do the same.

As always, I enjoy your thoughts and the conversations they bring about. Have a great weekend! Tell Pax and Antonina hi.


10:19 AM  

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