Tuesday, November 11, 2008


To whom it may concern:

I would like to express concern regarding my past two experiences at Sears Portrait Studios. Both times we have been very rushed by the photographer. There was a lets just get a few shots and be done because I have other customers waiting or because "I have to go get my kids off the school bus and you are making me late" attitude. This is not appreciated.

Second, the quality of the photographs and the artistry/creativity of the photographer is of poor quality. We have had baby pictures done there and each time we have had the same white sheet background pushed on us. In two of the sessions we had the blue with moons and stars. This time I specifically requested not to use either of those and was told, "If you didn't dress your baby in the same clothes every time we might be able to do other backgrounds." Then we were give the same boring white background again!

Finally, I have a serious problem with the pricing. When we had our child we bought one of the supersaver (buy one get one free cards). When we did our child's 6 month pictures we bought 8 sheets. 4 we paid for, 4 were free. The ones we paid for were $8 per sheet making our total $32 plus tax. Today, we bought the exact same thing and was told it was $60 plus tax because $8 is a "standing coupon" price not the "regular price." The regular price is $15 per sheet which is what we were charged. So our total, with the coupon was $60 plus tax. If we had not used the coupon it would have been $64 plus tax. BIG SAVINGS!!! THANKS! If this is your policy you ought to be ashamed. Why did this time cost double the last time.

I am very disappointed in the customer service I receive, the quality of the product I receive, and the integrity of the pricing. I have very serious doubts if I will ever return to Sears Portrait Studios and would appreciate a response and explanation.

O, one other thing. When I paid I asked about the info so I can view the pics online. I was told they could not provide me with that information because they were "too busy." I was told if I wanted it I would have to call back in a couple hours. It is not my responsibility to take my time and call back to get my info. It is the cashiers responsibility to provide me with that information.

I am not usually a complainer and it bothers me that Sears would accept this type of customer service. I will be awaiting your response.


Eric E Frey


Blogger Unknown said...

Eric, We have used Sears once, the pictures weren't bad but we have had better luck at Target studios. We had Hope's pictures done today. The Studios are often hit and miss. We have been to a Target close to us and wasn't as good as the Target about 20 miles away. I know gas is costly but worth the trip for the better pictures. Can't wait to see you all for the holidays. Linda

4:50 PM  
Blogger EF + said...

Our dilemma is that it is Sears or an hour drive to the next closest malls in Pittsburgh or St Clairesville (which is why we went back after our last experience)

6:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Unfortunately an hour difference makes a good bit of difference in that respect. We are fortunate enough that the difference is about a 10 min longer drive from the one Target (10 miles away) to the other(20 miles away). Linda

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric, It sounds like they don't care if they get your business or not. I will be interested in hearing their reply. Wanda

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good claim letter. I would be most disappointed by the customer service you have received. All in all, I think you have to remember you are dealing with Sears -- not near the top of the most respected/quality photo studios. What do you really expect? If you want consistently good pictures, you are going to pay for them at a quality studio. Sears/Target/Penny's/K-mart (whatever) are going to be hit and miss at best.

10:05 AM  
Blogger peterkevinson said...

Buy a nice digital camera and take them yourself, you'll like the results a whole lot better. We tried Wal Mart and even a private studio in town with bad results both times, but when we did it ourselves we actually got some good stuff and the pictures we're a whole lot cheaper to develop. But maybe that's just because I got mad skills with the camera?

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you threw that last line in there, Kevin, because that was exactly what I was thinking. Not everyone can demonstrate those skills :-)

I second what Kevin has to say. The best purchase we made was saving up for a nice digital camera that took pictures without delay. Snap 200 and keep 10!

8:22 PM  
Blogger EF + said...

Yeah... what is the delay all about. I have lost so many good pictures because of delay. Maybe we'll have to save our pennies. What cameras do you guys have.

BTW - its been the 48 hours they requested to allow for response and nothing. Tomorrow they get a phone call!

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want an SLR digital camera. They don't have delay. After you have a camera without delay, you'll NEVER go back. It is like hunting with a machine gun vs. a muzzleloader. I have the Canon Rebel. It does cost some change.

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You have been tagged with the book meme.

Since I don't know how to make that a link, itself, in a blog comment, you'll have to come to my blog to see what that means!


9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked at a Sears and I am sure this is really old and everything but... It is horrible how they treated you and if you call the 1800 number for customer service you can get a refund of your money, as long as you didn't purchase a cd. I was in upper indiana and I always got in trouble for taking too long. I was a photographer who wanted you to like the pictures not just settle. I figure if you really like the pictures you'll buy. If I were you I would have just walked out without buying anything.

6:42 PM  

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